
That is my focus
I bring an independent outside angle, valuable know-how and extensive experience to open up new perspectives and develop innovative solutions.
Effectively accompanying transformations
Climate change, digital transformation, increasing flexibilization and dynamization, skilled labor shortages … profound needs for transformation at all ends. However, every change has its challenges and does not happen by itself.
Develop a clear strategy together:
This creates focus, sets the course and provides a clear direction. A good strategy is the compass that awakens the desire to follow the path.
The big picture:
Development of an architecture that supports implementation via different formats that consider different target groups and paces.
Conceptualise formats for the realisation of the strategy
and their impact on the respective organizational units and accompany their concrete implementation.
Support of teams and key players
in shaping new roles and networks through individually tailored training elements and coaching sessions.
Developing a modern leadership culture
The demands on modern leadership are changing. Different generations come together, new technology gains increasing importance and customer centricity demands new forms of cooperation within the company.
From Human Resources to Human Relations
Preparing HR for the future/Making HR future-proof. As true partners, HR departments strengthen the culture, support employer attractiveness, retain and attract top talent and ensure a sustainable working and learning environment with good HR instruments, suitable learning opportunities and digital tools.
And if you’re wondering: how can she do it alone? The answer is simple: I am a passionate networker and bring independent and hand-picked partners on board when necessary – always in consultation with the client, of course.